Saturday, February 5, 2011

100 Day of School

The puppies are getting bigger! They are getting to be big enough that they take me on a walk.

I made homemade noodles finally! They turned out great and I even had a sharp knife to cut them with. Its called and ulu and it is used by the Eskimo women to cut seal skin.

First grade celebrated the 100th Day of School! We had a lot of fun.

We wore our hats all day and did 100 piece puzzles.

We also made a wall of 100 hearts with things that we were thankful for.

Putting 100 stickers on our 100 day hats.

1 comment:

  1. Papa was so proud to see the noodles. We had some yesterday, also. The puppies are really getting big. Hope all is well in Alaska.
